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Malmö and Lund

Oh it is so good to stay somewhere nice when you really need a good sleep and a good sleep was had.

We decide to extend our stay by a day. And that we before breakfast, a smorgasbord of deliciousness. Not the hot oily buffets of Australia and Western hotels in Asia, but a nice selection of cold cuts, jams, breads and fruit. Yes, there actually was egg and bacon, but the self made waffle was the best hot food.

It's Sunday, so much is closed or open late. There is still much to see in the area. We hop aboard yet another Danish Oresundstag train to nearby Lund.

The historic town is pretty quiet and it is raining. However, the Lund Domkyrka (cathedral) really is magnificent. But being Sunday it was closed to sightseers for a service, though the organ sounds truly magnificent.

Cold and wet we return to Malmö and wander the squares and shopping streets. Most shops are closed so we can't get raincoats for B and Alex.

We eat a big steak lunch at Mandos Steakhouse, an expensive meal, but it's nice to sit by the fire and relax.

After eating our fill we head to the Malmöhus Castle, a rebuilt brick fortress converted into a museum.

The museum includes an aquarium. Some animals (eg the cane toad) are all too familiar. Others, like the horseshoe crab are fascinating. It's surprisingly enjoyable.

The stuffed animals are less so, though the small dinosaur sectïon is good.

Costumes from the films of Ingmar Bergman are on display throughout, but of little interest to us. The displays about castle life and its history are far more fascinating. We learn about the wars between Denmark and Sweden for the Malmö area.

The museum entrance fee includes access to the nearby technology museum, which has some really interesting displays, including a submarine, its complicated toilet and a working periscope. It is good to read about some of the area's scientists as well.

It seems we can't visit anywhere without a science museum these days and this one has some really fun hands-on displays. My favourite cloud chamber was on display (but there's one at work now, so meh), but the demonstration of centrifugal force on a sphere is great, as are some of the coordination games.

We leave near closing time. I take them to see the lights I had viewed last night, but B and Alex are utterly exhausted. After hot chocolates and a princess cake from an old coffee shop we collapse into the hotel room.

I have to go back out again to get sandwichs for dinner. Which they are both too tired and full to finish.

I really like Malmö. Though there is still more to see, we will head to Stockholm tomorrow.


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