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Showing posts from October, 2011

The weekend Rocked

It's just under a year since Alex and I last visited Rockhampton . It had been six years since our previous visit and we had just returned from a quick visit to Singapore, with Alex just recovering from a bought of gastro. B remained in Sydney. We only stayed a night, enough time to see my sister's new baby and the Botanic Gardens before returning home. This time we decided to stay longer - a whole two nights - and bring B along as well. The occasion: My sister's wedding. After booking our tenth anniversary Europe trip I had no leave to spare, so we had no choice but to fly up on the Friday and back on Sunday. Apart from the fun of celebrating a wedding with my family I was viewing this trip as a bit of a practice run for the Europe trip. How would Alex track on a flight now that he is almost three years old? He was terribly excited about the flights and seeing his Nanna again, continually asking me if we were going to the airport in the days preceding the trip. Syd