It sometimes seems a bit incongruous to have visited museums in distant countries while neglecting their local counterparts. We've taken Alex to science centres in places as distant as Paris and Tokyo, but never looked around the ANSTO Discovery Centre fifteen minutes down the road. To be fair he's done vacation activities there before and B and I went on a tour of the old nuclear reactor before he was born. But this was the first time that Alex's activities were actually held in the Discovery Centre, allowing us to have a look around. It's pretty small and there isn't that much to see without going on a tour of the facilities. However, I was captivated by my all time favourite science demonstration, a cloud chamber showing the trails of particles as they pass through a liquid. Meanwhile, Alex built Lego WeDo robots. You can't get much more local than your own suburb. Last term Alex studied some of the local history of Illawong, a suburb that
The journal of a travel addict.