The tenth flight in eleven days. Yet another very early morning and another long taxi ride to the airport. We watched four Australian tourists from cram into a little red and yellow taxi, their big cases poking out of a boot held down with an ocky strap and we glad again that we had packed light. KLIA is a long way out of the city centre. A storm flickered in the distance in the grey morning light. I just wanted to sleep. The replacement for the Low Cost Carrier Terminal is long overdue. The current terminal building is just an ugly big shed. We checked in, then B ordered nasi lemak for breakfast. I was still feeling overfed from the day before. We had to go through two sets of security to reach the gate. A warning that the few available toilets are not really fit for human use. Boarding was done via stairs and we were welcomed by the cheerful crew. There is not so much to say about the aircraft, as it was much the same as on the flight up. I fell asleep during the t
The journal of a travel addict.