Jurassic Park. Performed live by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. I had to go. Fly? Too expensive for the three of us for such a short trip. Train? Schedules don't work. Bus? Too horrible for that distance. That leaves driving. Back when B and I were first dating and she was in Albury and I in Canberra we used to drive between the cities on a whim. Unfortunately that's no longer possible. Just to reschedule one Friday night activity for Alex meant reorganising the entire week. On Friday afternoon I picked Alex up from school then drove directly to the station to collect B. Then we set off down the M5 and along the Hume Highway off on our hasty adventure. The weather was miserable, as it had been all week, though it did improve as we got further south. Our plan was to get as far south as possible tonight, leaving us as much time to enjoy Melbourne the next day. The late afternoon and evening is a gorgeous time of day to travel, though it is also the time
The journal of a travel addict.