Words you never want to hear when you are on holidays: "You need to go to the doctor". Unless you are me, that is. On the weekend we flew down to Melbourne to see The Doctor. Who? Number five, actually. You know, the guy who plays a younger version of his son-in-law. Peter Davison. I grew up watching Doctor Who, now in its 51st year and absolutely love Murray Gold's incidental music to the series reboot. We've been to a couple of concerts previously, including another a couple of years ago in Melbourne . Of course there was no stopping me once this concert was announced. When faced with the choice of going to Melbourne or Brisbane the decision was obvious - a return to my home city for sure! Plus Alex had to start school on the Monday, which kind of limited things. Fortunately a couple of sales meant that I could book flights on my favourite airline (Qantas) without having to justify the expense. It also allowed me to use my new Qantas Club membership to
The journal of a travel addict.