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Showing posts from August, 2016

The Olympic Spirit

It's the middle of the 2016 Olympics in Rio and I've been enjoying some high definition coverage on TV and the Internet. One of the aspects I usually enjoy about the Olympics is the music and as I watch Michael Phelps and the odd Australian and other nationality receive their medals my ears have taken pleasure in the dignified medals ceremony background music (minus the drums - more information ). I am also taken back to the Seoul Olympics in 1988 when I definitely wasn't watching the events in high definition. In fact, I wasn't able to watch them at all. We were staying at a caravan park/campground at Blackwater in inland Central Queensland. Why we had decided to take a holiday there I have no idea. I don't recall doing anything much other than watching the long coal trains pass by, briefly toying with recording their numbers before turning away from becoming a full blown trainspotter. On the radio was ABC's coverage of the Olympics. Preceding each