When you are thirty thousand feet in the air the choice is usually very simple. Do you want the chicken, beef, fish or vegetarian? Usually it's not even that, but it's your choice, limited though it is. Stuck here on the ground, it all depends what in the freezer and what the rest of the family are likely to eat with you. Then you (or your darling partner) have to prepare it yourself. Though we are fortunate to have some pretty decent culinary skills in this house (especially when it comes to my partner) and although I've had some pretty poor meals up in the air recently, if I even felt like eating them at all, I have found myself dreaming of aeroplane meals a bit lately. Even if they give you a descriptive menu, you are never quite sure exactly what you are going to get when you peel off that foil and take your first look at the hot meal deposited on your tray table. It's not like those frozen supermarket meals with the clear wrap or enticing photos on the box. You jus
The journal of a travel addict.