Skytrax recently announced their Airport of the Year Awards for 2008 . The top ten were: Hong Kong Singapore Changi Seoul Incheon Kuala Lumpur KLIA Munich Kansai Copenhagen Zurich Helsinki Cape Town We've visited five out of the top six airports over the past four years, the exception being Munich, and I have to agree that they were all pretty good. My favourite is Singapore, which has excellent food stores, free internet and free beds to relax on. I found Hong Kong's airport train service to be rather expensive, while our time at KLIA was marred by long queues every step of the way. Seoul Incheon now has a railway connection to Seoul and I found the terminal to be very easy to get around. It's good to see Kansai high up on the list. Free internet airside, good eating options and the best train to Osaka!
The journal of a travel addict.